Our services for the upstream sector in Oil and Gas would help your organization locate, analyze and extract Oil and Natural Gas from onshore / offshore fields.
We offer a variety of services and solutions that covers the entire upstream sector from Exploration, Appraisal and Development to Production and Logistics.
Whether it’s a search for potential underground or underwater oil and gas fields, drilling exploratory wells, or operating wells that are recovering and bringing the hydrocarbon reserves to the surface, we can assist you with analysis, testing, inspection and consultation………..continue reading
Our Consulting is in Petro technical consultancy with expertise in all upstream disciplines—from geology and geophysics to production engineering and petroleum economics.
These focus on projects both inside and outside of the key challenges like Reservoir Characterization—a global pool of geology, geophysics, and petrophysics experts, Reservoir Optimization—a network of reservoir engineers, petroleum engineers, and production specialists, Local Collaboration………..continue reading
Project Life Cycle Services
We ensure the availability, safety and reliability of your industrial installations and equipment. Whether you are an owner, operator or investor of industrial facilities, integrity, safety and reliability are major concerns.
We offer a comprehensive range of equipment and services throughout your industrial project life cycle – from design, commissioning and operation, right through to maintenance and shut down. We help you reduce technical risks to ensure the availability, safety and reliability of your industrial installations and equipment………continue reading
Quality, Health, Safety & Environment
The heart of effective quality management for any business is understanding and delivering products and services in line with clients’ requirements, with maximum effectiveness. Ensuring that your products and services are ahead of your competitors’ in the marketplace is key to growth, and maintaining and improving that quality is a continuous challenge.
We understand the aspects of quality management that are key to increased productivity – customer satisfaction, but also increased effectiveness, maximum output and quality control. Our network of quality management specialists provide training for continuous………….continue reading